Daemon Guide

So, these are the tables I carry around in my head.

If you are looking for tactics, you'll find those in the unit descriptions and in the example army lists.

You will however find your tactics mandated by what units you bring to the table.

So, I hope this Daemon Guide helps you decide what to bring, knowing what each units role is...well, that's key to building your army and having an in-depth understanding of what each unit is capable of combined with the tactics in each units description and you should be well on your way to understanding the Daemon Army and using it properly..

The table is kept simple, all questions are in yes/no format. For more in-depth reasoning, please view each units entry.

Here are the explanations for what each rating is:

Melee: This unit is capable of melee, if not capable of ranged is solely effective in close combat.

Ranged: This unit is capable of ranged attacks, if not capable of melee it should remain out of close combat.

Anti-Infantry: This unit deals with enemy infantry and does so well.

Anti-Tank: A little more tricky, this unit has a good chance at getting penetrating hits on AV10 (normal vehicles) in close combat. Shooting attacks are not considered, as almost all of a Daemon armies shooting is S8 AP1 (Bolt of Tzeentch) which is fine against light tanks but is not a heavy tank killer. Nor are attacks against enemy Dreadnoughts in close combat, as most of a Daemon army is stymied by such mechanical beasts.

Tough: Whether it's a high armor value, high toughness, a special ability, or a combination; the unit is difficult to get rid of.

Fast: Due to fleet, cavalry, flight, or beast status; this unit is fast and is able to move faster than standard infantry movement. Being able to run does not make a unit fast, being able to fleet does--because you can assault afterwards, and in a slow assault oriented army being fast is good.

Daemonic Unit Melee Ranged Anti-Infantry Anti-Tank Tough Fast
Bloodthirster Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
The Blue Scribes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Epidemius No No No No Yes No
Fateweaver Oracle No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Great Unclean One Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Herald of Khorne Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Herald of Nurgle No No No No Yes No
Herald of Slaanesh Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Herald of Tzeentch No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Keeper of Secrets Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ku'Gath Plaguefather Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lord of Change No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
The Masque No Yes No No No No
Skarbrand Exiled One Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Daemonic Unit Melee Ranged Anti-Infantry Anti-Tank Tough Fast
Skulltaker Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Beasts of Nurgle Yes No Yes No Yes No
Bloodcrushers of Khorne Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Fiends of Slaanesh Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Flamers of Tzeentch No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Bloodletters of Khorne Yes No Yes No No No
Daemonettes of Slaanesh Yes No Yes No No Yes
Nurglings Yes No No No Yes No
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch No Yes Yes No No No
Plaguebearers of Nurgle No No No No Yes No
Flesh Hounds of Khorne Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Furies of Chaos Yes No Yes No No Yes
Screamers of Tzeentch No No No Yes No Yes
Seekers of Slaanesh Yes No Yes No No Yes
Daemon Prince Yes No* Yes Yes Yes No*
Soulgrinder Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The only real exception to the yes/no format are the Daemon Princes, who can be both ranged and fast units but by default are not.


Phenix said...

Ku'gath the plaguefather should be "yes" for ranged. He has Necrotic missiles.

Anonymous said...

Skulltaker should be slow?

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