Daemon Primer

Randomness: Daemons are random. You'll have to accept that as part of your army. It can be either fun or frustrating. Try and make it the former, even though often it isn't--especially in tournament play. Here's how Daemons are random:

1) They split into two waves, and because of reasons I'll list later, are often screwed when they only drop in one half of their army. Which happens 33% of the time.

2) While you can make an even army, where there are equal amounts of the same thing in both halves...the force organization chart is uneven and doesn't split equally. Not only that, but the 'best' stuff the Daemon army has available are in Elites and Heavy. You also lose quite a bit of power in the army by making an even list, as most of them are simply half power lists which don't pack all the punch of a 2 wave army.

3) Deep striking. You will find deep striking to be very random indeed. Most units should drop in terrain if that will improve their save--you get your invulnerable save against any mishaps, which are usually 1 per unit which isn't that big a deal. You are bound to scatter 2/3 of the time, and the average is 7 on 2D6. So the best place to deep strike is 8-12" away from the enemy. Closer for slow units, farther away for fast units. Shooty units can deploy almost anywhere, most have a decent range and can shoot from wherever they end up. Even if you do mishap into someone, you only have a 33% chance of being killed. Keep that in mind.

The other important rule of the Daemon army that most players forget, is that you don't get a 1-2 punch with waves 1 and 2 on turns 1 and 2. You get a first punch, then you dribble in as normal reserves in subsequent turns and deep strike in.

I believe you cannot make a tournament army and win with this army reliably when facing a well-built balanced army and an equal opponent. The army needs everything to work in it's favor and it's very random. Don't let a few GT victories with a new army fool you into thinking otherwise, veteran players will learn how to beat down Daemons some day. I expect this guide to help in that regard.

Important note: In many of the armies I list here, I've put in units that really are not good as one might have learned from the unit descriptions. However, themed armies require subpar units as do other armies whose style does not necessarily work better with the 'best' troops in a given slot.


Froggage said...

I agree that most armies shouldn't worry about icons at all as they are too expensive and if someone really wants to eradicate them they can. If they are somewhere to not just die, they aren't doing you any good.

Anonymous said...

An interesting counterpoint on Icons; mostly I saw them did some testing and decided landing on target was Win.

Though I have to agree with you on the Daemonic random nature. Initially I turned away from them when looking to branch out from Space Marines, 'til I decided converting them would be fun.

And indeed, fun it is. (assuming you're fully capable of busting a gut when your dice hate you). They just aren't RELIABLE enough, even if they boast some units with truly ridiculous infantry-killing potential. (...dear gods. Pure Khorne vs. anyone else foot-heavy.)

Chumbalaya said...

I think your use of icons will depend on the army you take. I run a Slaanesh/Tzeentch army so I'm fast and shooty, so icons don't really offer all that much. But I figure a slower army would use them a lot better to get closer safely.

PBs spring out as ideal icon holders what with their toughness and FNP, Bloodcrushers work too.

The best use I've gotten out of icons so far is using them to bring in Flamers to BBQ something.

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