Time for the first of the army lists, this one is the Daemon version of Gojira, the Nidzilla list full of lots of MC.
Tactics after.
2000 Pts - Chaos Daemons Roster - Daemonzilla
1 Bloodthirster @ 270 Pts
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature; DG: Daemonic Flight; DG: Iron Hide; DG: Unholy Might; S: Furious Charge; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
1 Bloodthirster @ 270 Pts
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature; DG: Daemonic Flight; DG: Iron Hide; DG: Unholy Might; S: Furious Charge; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
2 Bloodcrushers of Khorne @ 95 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; DG: Iron Hide; DGK: Hellblade; sW: Rending; sW: Power Weapon; DGK: Fury of Khorne (x1); DG: Instrument of Chaos (x1); S: Furious Charge; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
2 Bloodcrushers of Khorne @ 95 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; DG: Iron Hide; DGK: Hellblade; sW: Rending; sW: Power Weapon; DGK: Fury of Khorne (x1); DG: Instrument of Chaos (x1); S: Furious Charge; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
2 Bloodcrushers of Khorne @ 95 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; DG: Iron Hide; DGK: Hellblade; sW: Rending; sW: Power Weapon; DGK: Fury of Khorne (x1); DG: Instrument of Chaos (x1); S: Furious Charge; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 75 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; DGN: Plaguesword; S: Feel no Pain; S: Slow & Purposeful; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 75 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; DGN: Plaguesword; S: Feel no Pain; S: Slow & Purposeful; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 75 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; DGN: Plaguesword; S: Feel no Pain; S: Slow & Purposeful; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
5 Nurglings @ 65 Pts
Unit Type: Infantry; S: Swarm; S: Small Targets; S: Vulnerable to Blasts/Temp; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
9 Furies of Chaos @ 135 Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
9 Furies of Chaos @ 135 Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
9 Furies of Chaos @ 135 Pts
Unit Type: Jump Infantry; S: Daemon; S: Fearless; S: Invulnerable!; S: Eternal Warriors
1 Soul Grinder of Chaos @ 160 Pts
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); cW: 2x Dreadnought CCW; rW: Harvester; rW: Mawcannon - Vomit; rW: Mawcannon - Phlegm; S: Fleet; S: Daemon
1 Soul Grinder of Chaos @ 160 Pts
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); cW: 2x Dreadnought CCW; rW: Harvester; rW: Mawcannon - Vomit; rW: Mawcannon - Phlegm; S: Fleet; S: Daemon
1 Soul Grinder of Chaos @ 160 Pts
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); cW: 2x Dreadnought CCW; rW: Harvester; rW: Mawcannon - Vomit; rW: Mawcannon - Phlegm; S: Fleet; S: Daemon
Total Roster Cost: 2000
Each unit of Bloodcrushers is a mini-MC.
This gives you 2 flying MC units, 3 fleet MC, and 3 slow MC. You have plaguebearers to give you survivable troops, and furies to give you the numbers you need to protect your MC from enemy hordes.
Yes, furies are not awesome but they can keep up with the 5 big MC without having to rely on fleet rolls. They are what makes this army work. You just can't avoid being hit.
The Nurglings are just an extra unit to drop on the other guys objective and make him kill that unit too.
Use the Bloodcrushers as a followup wave, and to keep people away from your Plaguebearers.
Primary Drop:
Bloodthirster x2, Soulgrinder x3, Fury x3.
Secondary Drop:
3x Plaguebearer, 1xNurglings, 3x Bloodcrushers.
Mixed Army: Daemonzilla
Labels: Army Lists
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I'm pretty sure soul grinders don't have fleet.
Couldn't read the Codex, eh?
They have fleet.
Don't you think that your a bit low on your troops choice? But together they're only a tad higher point wise than one of your HQ choices. You might disagree, but I think it's a bit more fair when troops make up at least 1/3 of your total army composition. However, I always keep more points in troops than anything else. Otherwise you're really just going into "I want to win, screw trying to play for fun". After carefully reading your tactica I can see you clearly know what you're talking about. Therefore, why not aim for something a bit more... well rounded?
Hmmm, in order:
No, not low. I have 4 troops.
Fair in a wargame is not something I'm familiar with. Where is that in the rules?
So you run the worst elements of your army in larger numbers than the best elements to be 'fair'? Is losing fun for you? How much of it is fun and how much frustration?
Everyone with the balls to say it, will tell you everyone is playing to win and winning is fun. Losing can also be fun, but not all the time. When playing with a particularly shitty book like this one, aiming for 'well-rounded' and 'fun' means you are aiming directly for 'loserland'.
Not like this book is forgiving, or loses it's randomness when you bring more troops that can't kill anything...
Fun can be had with competitive lists. Honest.
Well four troop choices at minimum requirements isn't really the same as running troops at 1/3 your army. The tournaments I've played in hold sportsmanship fairly high. Judging from your "About Me" section and your unsportsman like list I'd call that a loss for you, but if you feel happy about just victory instead than that's your call. I play chess competitively and I only play that way. I tried playing for the fun of it, it wasn't possible. And I wouldn't call it 'loserland' exactly. I play WH's, GK's, 3 of the 4 Chaos Gods and Tyranids. I run 33% troops in all my lists, and that's how I teach other people to do it. I rarely lose and I play people spanning from veteran GW employee's to people just starting. Perhaps it's just my lucky dice, but I like to think it's because my lists are well rounded to deal with most lists and quite a bit of tactics.
My overall view of your comments is horseshit-level.
Just wanted to get that out of the way.
To answer your pretty meaningless points:
Nobody said running 4 troops is the same as running 1/3 of your army as troops.
You mean you play in tournaments where catering to whiney bitches is acceptable. Understood.
My list is unsporting? How about...fuck you? My list is legal, therefore GW must consider it sporting or it'd not be in the game.
Yep, I can see you need to lighten up and figure out that playing to win in a game where you are supposed to play to win is not a crime. It is also not a crime to play to have fun, and not have someone elses idea of 'fun' forced upon you. I love playing fluff heads like you, easy to crush underfoot and discard like a used tampon. Extra bloody with gristle.
Veteran GW employees usually suck at this game, just a heads up / dose of reality.
Lists based on 33% points spent on troops are not only NOT 'well rounded' in most cases they are in fact crap.
Please tell the class how your Chaos, Nids, or GK armies beat any mech list.
Oh right, you force OTHER people to play in your comfort zone...and whine when the paradigm is played outside it.
Go away. You're part of the problem I'm trying to fix, knucklehead.
'Anonymous' reminds me of a group of WH Fantasy players at my store. They run very themed lists, and are great painters. They have beautiful armies. They don't spam anything, and feel that taking multiples of very powerful units is "uber cheese". They teach all the new Fantasy players their play style, and they won't play against "experienced" gamers unless they have fully painted armies so that the table looks good. Since not too many people have fully painted armies, they end up playing each other a lot.
Last week they went down to the GT in Dallas to compete at a higher level. For weeks ahead of time they played off against each other, tweaking their lists, selecting their best painted models, all to prep for the tournament.
They got the shit kicked out of them at the GT. I think one person in their group did better than a 50/50 Win/Loss. The "leader" of the group got his ass kicked in every single game except his first, when he pulled off a tie. Dark Elves/Chaos Daemons/Dark Elves/Chaos Daemons wiped the floor.
This gaming mentality fills your talent pool with inbred hobby-tards. The only way to get better is to introduce new blood that shakes up the old regime and forces you to encounter something new. That's great that players like 'Anonymous' and my LGS's Warhammer Fantasia players have a good time, but you become the 9-5 hobby horse that's content making $37,000 a year performing quasi menial low level management positions. The peons think you're god, but the performers thank you for cleaning up all the peon shit.
I can't agree with you more.
I want more good players at my FLGS.
Makes me happy when they show up.
I honestly don't see what's wrong with playing to win.
If you and the other guy want to have games with fluffy, themed lists? Agree on it ahead of time. There's nothing inherently wrong with playing that way.
But you have to understand that some people derive joy from competing, as opposed to running 'fluffy' lists. Is there anything wrong with running competitive lists?
I don't think so. In the past six months, I've brought a couple new players up to speed. I don't claim to be that good, but I try to research what is nasty, and what is as burly as a wet paper bag.
I started out playing these guys with fairly tough lists. I started out stomping on them. However, at the end of each game? I explained what they did right, what they did wrong, and how to improve. End result? They're better. They've learned about the game, and become sharper opponents. I can't just walk over them. The one time I got thoroughly rolled was with Daemons and Bad Dice (...and I think we can all agree that with Daemons, if the dice swing the wrong way? You are DONE. It's how the codex is written.)
It's no surprise that a bunch of people that value theme over bringing powerful units got rolled. It was survival of the fittest in a shallow gene pool. If you want to get better, you walk into an arena with competitive folks who're willing to explain the ins and outs of it.
The real douchebags are the ones that want to roll you PURELY for the sake of rolling you. And in that case? It's not the game. It's someone using the game to bolster low self-esteem, and you'll find that in any competitive arena.
What on Earth is "theme" ? I know what people describe "theme" as but honestly any person with minimal creativity can create a theme from an army list too (instead of the other way around) so yes the X space marine master of the forge took the very best for the chapters armoury requested all the elites available and leaded personally the assault to make sure all the chapters relics would get the attention needed, themed, fluffy and a LR term spam too.
Anyway, I think I have passed all the phases of the wargamers mentality and finally I don't care if I loose, but I don't go to battle to loose, make strong lists and if you really want to justify them, make the background for them after the list not before.
as a final note, "fluffy" lists are all fine, but they should be reserved for equally "fluffy" scenarios and not your standard tournament or random game list.
I saw this and just had to flogg a dead horse
How did theme get confused with army composition? I agree with psychotic storm. Anything can have a theme.
With that said when it comes to army composition both tooled up armies and Bland vanilla armies can be competative. The main difference is that the tooled up armies can go a little more on auto pilot. They are designed to crush things quickly as they go which is fine. Where as the troop based armies can win through attrition.
Tooled up armies maximise the armies potential
Very bland armies maximise the players potential
I play my orcs with 6 troop slots maxed out. Comes in at just 1000 points with a warboss. I do this for all games 1000 points and up. So the core of muy force literally is the core of the list. When I go up in points I just add all the specialised units. So my army is literally 100% to 50% troops at 2000pts.
I destroy everything in my path. The only imes I get really crushed is in multi player battles where 2 to 3 armies focus on me to take me out first because they know what is coming.
So I agree with all of you.
It just depends on how you want to win:
Army: Because you read alot, learned from all the other mathhammerers and figured out all the loopholes and combos
You: Because you took the army for what it is and made it work and pulled off the win against the odds
There are reasons why thier are low caps on the tough stuff and minimums and high caps on the core troops. They dont insist by try to urge you that way. It is up to the individual how to proceed . thats what is so great about this game.
Everything in your army has eternal warrior.. I don't think that is possible but nice try.
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