Keeper of Secrets

In a nutshell: The big competitor to the Bloodthirster, this beast has a little more subtlety than the BT does, with a slight reduction in power. The FW Keeper is a wonderful model, if sadly a bit huge and easy to shoot at...not that the normal one is much better but hey size does matter. ;) Just don't uhh tell her that. lol

Pros: Fleet, monstrous creature, tough, brings pavane and hit & run to the table. With S7 won't instant kill anyone, but is still incredibly dangerous and has more attacks than the BT does. Also comes with super nerf grenades, so at I10...guess who's going first, always? WS8 trumps almost everyone into giving up the 3+ to hit. Quite a beast in CC. Seeing this slaughter a unit on one side of the board and race to the other side to slaughter another the next turn that's 24" away is indeed something to see.

Cons: No armor save, can't hurt Monoliths, no real shooting ability. Sorry, the list is kind of short...for big expensive units, this one is a terror. Can be dragged down just as any other big MC can be, but it better be--this one will crush you underfoot if you don't, just like the BT. Biggest weakness really is hordes of enemy troops, you might slaughter a bunch on your way in but don't go in unsupported--most armies troops can hit you on a 4+ and that's bad news.

Tactics: Personally I favor the big drop, putting 5-8 big targets down and dribbling in the other units later. Gives people the willies I guess, seeing a bunch of MC standing around just one turn away from assault. If you can get into CC (and the other guy stays) you are safe, and can slaughter some more then flee combat the turn after.

Final word: A worthy unit for any Daemon force focused on big scary units, this one feels a little overpriced with the standard upgrades but there's not a whole lot you can do about that. If you want big and scary, it's this or the Bloodthirster. Pick your poison--she will serve you well.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that warmed up to this she-devil.

At first glance, I said to myself 'ONLY fleet? But the Thirster is bigger, meaner, and faster!'

Then I realized the Thirster is ALSO 50 points more expensive.

Given the prices, I have to like this thing. It's ALMOST as good and fast, but a good bit cheaper.

Woe for the 4+ save.

Phenix said...

I did the Turkey shoot with the KoS... He owned the scenario!!! His initiative is godlike... and Fleet makes it the monster it is.

Unknown said...

Threadomancy >.<
How would she assault something 24" away?
Move - 6"
Run - d6" (let's assume 6")
Assault - 6"

That's only adding up to 18"...

Anonymous said...

I assume, given the example, the initial poster is including the d6 consolodation move as a maximum roll too?

Anonymous said...

Hit and run gives you an extra 1d6".

CazzyT said...

If you killed the whole squad you consolidate 6" too.

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