
In a nutshell: What was once annoying as hell in 4th edition, is just very irritating in 5th edition. They are very hard to get rid of in terrain when shooting at them, and make for excellent objective contesting units.

Pros: 3 wounds, 5+ invulnerable, immune to instant death, can use swarms and go to ground to take themselves to a 2+ about serious pain in the ass.

Cons: Utterly useless in doing just about anything else. Can't really CC anyone to death, but they can tie people up for a very long time if there's a lot of them. They can however get smushed by a solid CC unit in no time flat.

Tactics: Use them to contest objectives in midfield, and soak up fire in nearly unlimited amounts when sitting in terrain and going to ground. Just don't forget to spread out, you are vulnerable to blasts after all--Tau will ruin your day if you forget. ;)

Final word: You can if you wish really dump points into your non-troops choices by taking 2 min size Nurgling squads but it does make things quite risky in winning missions. You should really use Nurgling squads as a cheap way to boost your total army size. It does increase your total KP count, but they are difficult to earn so I think it's worth taking them in almost any Chaos Undivided army.


E.E said...

Sadly, as amazing as these are (I run 29 bases in my nurgle daemons army), they cannot go to ground, due to them being fearless. Still, 3 wound's with a 3+ cover for 13 point's, is amazing.

With epidemius on the table, these thing's become monster's, at 10 kills, they gain 2+ poison, and swamp almost anything with an insane amount of attacks (4 on the charge per base). Against marines, they still hit on 4's. Against monstrous creatures, they utterly obliterate, as 2+ poison, with that many attacks, murders. And the monstrous creature can do very little to kill that many nurgling's :D

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