Daemonettes of Slaanesh

In a nutshell: One of the troops available to a Daemon army, sadly they really aren't any damn good. Think about it, if they had power weapons...would you take them? Yeah, Bloodletters are still better. It's like someone designed this unit during 4th edition years ago, and never revisited it when 5th revised rending.

Pros: High Init, 4 attacks on the charge, fleet, super nerf grenades. They are moderate threats against light infantry like Guard, and can drag down Marines through sheer number of attacks.
The short list ends right about there.

Cons: They can't really handle any kind of CC threat or rapid fire pointed their way, T3 just doesn't cut it. They can't kill even basic AV10 tanks with any reliability. They can be safely ignored by most armies, I've moved tactical squads right next to them and shot a more threatening unit to pieces and taken the charge.

Tactics: Since they aren't point costed appropriately at a more sedate 10 points, your tactics are rather limited. You can bring a bunch of them, and try to swarm the enemy with your 'horde' of Daemonettes. You'll find yourself in for a rude surprise when 60 marines quote unquote 'swarm' you back. Or 180 Orks/Gaunts. Your best tactic is to not bring this underperformer in anything but a themed army.

Final word: Great model, the one previous. The others are all just...either ugly or some kind of pathetic attempt by GW to cover up their shame. It has inadequate rules and is too highly priced to be of much good to any Daemon player. Skip this turkey.


ProfT said...

Hey Stelek,

I tend to agree with a lot of what you say, but I think you might be selling deamonettes a little short.

I like to compare them to something else I play...Wyches in Dark Eldar. Sure you don't want to leave them sitting out in the open begging to be shot, but getting a unit of these in combat (multiple assaults are even better) will leave a whole lot of death behind.

Both units have the same ws,s,t and fleet. the 'nettes miss out on drugs, but get the invulnerable, rending, and 1 base extra attack.

The big difference for me is the method of delivery, since the wyches can ride their paper transport into a fight, and the nette's just pop up somewhere safe.

Overall I think they are a valid choice, and like many things in the hobby, really come down to play style and preference.

Anonymous said...

Other things in the hobby... like spawn? Or vespid?
... Pyrovores?

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