Screamers of Tzeentch

In a nutshell: 100% speedy sacrifice units. The only units they can really beat in CC are IG and Tau, against everyone else...they fail. Their primary purpose seems to be against Land Raiders, which while popular you can't really buy units just to kill one kind of vehicle. ;)

Pros: They do have T4 and a 4+ invulnerable save, and as jetbikes can turboboost around they can boost it to a 3+ save. Since they have no real shooting and against fast moving vehicles don't do a whole lot with their 1 attack apiece (meltabomb rule)...I suggest they are primarily a sacrificial unit first and an anti-raider unit second.

Cons: WS3, I3, 1 wound, 1 base attack. Just no good in CC and can't shoot, but they are the fastest thing you've got available. Not much solace for such utter crap, but make do with what you've got.

Tactics: Use these as a screen, they are great for blocking movement towards your assault elements (better to charge Bloodcrushers than be charged, after all) and your shooty elements (almost all of which fold to CC).

Final word: If you have the models and 100 points to spend, they aren't terrible choices. Buying new models though, I'd probably not do so until they do something better than sucking the sweat off of a real units balls, ok? ;)


Anonymous said...

How are they against tanks?

Stelek said...

I don't think much of them myself.

They aren't difficult to kill or rip up in CC.

Anonymous said...

there is something for being jetbikes, so they can screen and are harder to screen against themselves. Also, if a tank moves, sure, it's hard to hit: but a lot of times it isn't shooting either, so they're still doing their job: it's dead or not shooting, what's the difference? Now, Fast vehicles are a different pineapple entirely...

Anonymous said...

"a different pineapple"... that might be the most nonsensical thing I've ever said.

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