Gifts of Tzeentch

Tzeentch units only.

Bolt of Tzeentch: The best anti-tank ranged weapon the Daemons have. Sorry Soulgrinders, you don't hit jack when needed and these do. Sadly it still isn't a melta, so Daemons tend to get run over by vehicle heavy armies.

Master of Sorcery: This lets you fire a second weapon (or a third if you are a Daemon Prince). Since you can't torrent anyone with more than 4 shots (or 4 shots plus a flamer, and only on a MC) it's allright but doesn't come into it's own without the last Tzeentch power, We Are Legion.

Soul Devourer: Just stupid. On DP, they make high LD characters take LD tests or die. So they don't do much. They aren't bad on a Tzeentch Herald, which is really the only place I think you'll ever see them.

Warpfire: A S4 anti-horde shot. Nothing wrong with it, except you cannot make any kind of shooty herald or daemon prince with this and Daemonic Gaze + Master Of Sorcery, because someone thought that was too overpowered. Obviously someone from Fantasy who never played 5th edition in his life. Good call, Alessio!

We Are Legion: This lets you shoot one enemy unit, and in a strange twist...brings back the old 'fry a tank and charge the infantry' that was so detested back when 3rd edition was around. Essentially you can do this with a DP: Fire at a tank, kill it. Flame an infantry squad to death. Charge a 3rd unit, and kill it. Yeah, this is the one you've been looking for--the 'break the rules' item every Codex just has to have. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

All shooting attacks from a single unit occur simultaniously, therefore even with those gifts, you cannot shoot a transport, and the resulting disembarked troops with the same unit (or DP) since at the time of firing, the troops were inside the transport and not available for flaming. Nice try :)

Stelek said...

Since you don't understand what I wrote nor apparently the rules, I'll explain it for you.

Unit A: Transport.
Unit B: Infantry in the open between transport and DP.
Unit C: Infantry inside Transport.
Unit D: Daemon Prince with Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, and Breath of Chaos.

Blow up Unit A with Bolt and Flamer.

Fry Unit B with the Flamer. Remember against a vehicle you need only 'touch' it with a flamer template to meet the requirements of firing at said tank, so you can direct most of the template at another unit.

Unit C is forced out, and you are eligible to charge it because the main rules say you can charge any unit whose transport you blew up.

Understanding the rules and how your units work within that framework is key to most miniature games.

Nice try indeed.

Anonymous said...

Can a DP really take We Are Legion? I do not have the codex at hand but I am pretty sure he cant.

I do not agree with everything you say but this blog is still a good summary. GJ!

Stelek said...

No, DP can't take WAL. DP get it for free was the point. If you have a enemy squad near a transport, you can: Flame the squad while 'firing' at the transport. Fire the Bolt of Change at the tank, and then assault the squad inside if you blow it up (because the main rules say you can).

Heralds of Tzeentch and GD do this using less tricky methods, mostly by buying WAL. ;)

Anonymous said...

We are Legion states that you must declare all targets prior to firing.

This makes it impossible to assault a squad that was inside a transport you declared fire against in that shooting phase as it would be impossible to target the infantry squad within the transport when declaring targets.

I wish it worked as you said Stelek, but unfortunately this isn't the case.

Stelek said...

With different units, as explained, you certainly can blow a transport up and then fry it with a different unit--and then charge it with the unit that blew it up.

Learn to play 40k.

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