Herald of Slaanesh

In a nutshell: The REAL Eternal Dancer. While not as power weapon killy as the Khorne heralds, they do make excellent bounce and pounce units to support the rest of your army.

Pros: A very fast unit, good at tying enemy units down while slower units move into position; or using Pavane to move units out after you hit & run away during their turn. Lots of rending attacks (7 charging), decent WS5 and S5/I8 charging due to furious charge...makes Harlequins cry. This Herald also has the Super Nerf grenades that the other units do not.

Cons: Will not do well against super killy CC units. Will not really do that well against line troops, but with your first set of attacks dragging down a couple and then repeating a slightly less damaging round before withdrawing...makes for a very useful unit but can't stand being shot at, so if you cannot take a beating you should not commit to the fight.

Tactics: The way I think they should be run is with Chariot, Soporific Musk, Pavane, and Unholy Might. Run up, tie someone up, if you beat them in combat you have a very high I and are likely to catch them. Use two of them together to really hit the enemy hard with a bunch of attacks. Withdraw and Pavane, then charge with your other units and re-charge. You can really pull people out of their defensive positions, which is what this unit excels at.

Final word: A very handy unit, having a possible 24" charge range will really spook people if you bring 4 of them along. Don't forget you can't Pavane and Fleet, and Pavane only hits 50% of the time...so if you are counting on a good Pavane to drag the enemy closer so you can assault with these girls, fleet instead. Use Pavane after you get them into combat and H&R away.


Chumbalaya said...

I love the rubber Slaanesh units, nothing more fun than bouncing all those models around all game.

Why Pavane though? It's expensive and is a 50/50 shot when you could be fleeting. Pavane has been very underwhelming for me beyond clumping baddies together for Flamers/Grinders.

Stelek said...

So, the reason you bring Pavane is to help the rest of your army.

You don't need to Pavane your first turn.

It's the turn AFTER you assault, when you Hit & Run and it's your turn again.

Often you will have slower units bringing up the rear, with Pavane you can 'correct' your opponents position and re-charge.

It is underwhelming, until you bring 4 Heralds or 2 Keepers plus 3 DP with it.

Ever play Chaos Gate? The Cultists?

"Come to Chaos."

Totally Pavane. lol

Chumbalaya said...

That's an interesting idea, never really thought of that :P

I haven't used Pavane all that much, mostly on the Masque hanging out with Fateweaver (gotta love that 3+ invul with re-rolls!) pushing baddies together so they get properly Flamer'd.

Stelek said...

If you need to fleet to get someone in range after using H&R, ummm...did you roll 18 and he consolidated 6" away or something??

Chumbalaya said...

I see your point :P

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