Gifts of Nurgle

Nurgle units only.

Aura of Decay: So you stink like poop. So what? It's a S2 hit. Leave this non-armor piercing ability at home. You have so many other ways to kill the enemy. Everybody laughs at this, even freaking Grots. Wounds on a...4+, on my grots? When the other guy stops laughing, go ahead and roll your uberness.

Cloud of Flies: Super Nerf Grenades. Since Nurgle is so damned slow initiative wise, seems pointless on the offense. Helps mitigate attacks in, which is also a bit pointless given how tough Nurgle units are anyway. Will save your GUO and DP, that's about it.

Noxious Touch: Equip your Daemon Princes of Nurgle and you wound everyone on a 2+, most of those with a re-roll to wound. Great Unclean Ones come with it for free, and they do the same thing. Basically anything you manage to hit, you are almost certain to wound.

Plaguesword: Plaguebearers get this for free. Let's you wound on a 4+. Great against MC, who really don't like this but are also likely to fuck up your Plaguebearers before they get a chance to swing. It's a free upgrade, not something you can buy (or need to).


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